


2017-06-22 admin

导读:典雅宁静的氛围 海鲜迷们注意了:汁多味美的海鲜,正在四季汇海鲜自助餐厅迎候恭驾,这家餐厅正在丽兹卡尔顿酒店。 这家餐厅的海鲜,取材天然,正有一






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服务质量: 很好

餐品质量: 很好

用餐环境: 很好

Seafood lovers take note; a feast of fresh, succulent seafood awaits you atthe Ritz-Carlton"s Greenfish Seafood Dinner Buffet。

There is no other seafood dinner to rival the sheer austerity of theRitz-Carlton"s. A composed, personal and self-possessed atmosphere leaves youunruffled and serene. Patrons can feast on insurmountable amounts ofmagnificently fresh oysters, mussels, crab, and lobster, all the whileunperturbed by the intense, mob like atmosphere that usually accompanies thesebuffets。

The center of the buffet revolves around the on-ice cart of an array ofKing Sea Scallop, Bostonlobsters, and Alaskan and Australian crab, hearty prawns, and mesmerizingoysters. Each center piece gorgeously presented, exciting the eyes and combinedwith tantalizing sauces. Select from six different varieties of saucesincluding Thai chilly sauce, lemon mayonnaise, traditional cocktail sauce, andeven Japanese cucumber sauce. Each one is prepared to retain the freshness!

The Ritz-Carlton Financial has brought one of the supreme delights thatnature has bestowed on man. The seafood is a sensual delight. The Oysters leadto discussion, and contemplation, their mixed flavors of cucumber, citrus, andmelon, enchanting the senses。

The fresh lobster and crab are beautiful and majestic, with an aroma ofmouthwatering goodness to fill your mouth with tingling sensations。

The sushi platters are texturized and subtle, truly highlighting sushi"sappeal, firm yet soft at the same time。

Sheer pleasure is derived from extracting the crisp meats from the seafood,anointing with sauces, lifting and tilting of the shells, and the drinking of thecommendable wines before, during, and after. The sheer satisfaction followswith the laying of the downturned shells back on the plates。

Each diner even gets to enjoy succulently prepared roasted lobster toppedwith melted luscious butter, or chilly crab crunchy moist with zestful chilly.Such softness within such hardness has never been so artfully combined。

Patrons can also feast on salads of stir fried rotisserie meats, crisplettuce, spongy sweet squid, delicate Beijing Duck, and brimming bowls of soup.One particular gem is the fresh cucumber and caviar, layered with mayonnaisethat brings the traditional Russian dish straight from the Arctic Circle. Authentic, hearty, and rich, with strong notes of dill, itis Russiapersonified。

To ensure dinner ends on a sweet note, savory yet saccharine dessert itemssuch as clairs, superb traditional rich cheese cake, rich spiced ice creams,and home-made cookies are offered. Though the selection is small, this desserttable is the best out of all the hotels, each sweet a guaranteed luscioustriumph。

Featured every Friday and Saturday evening, this seafood extravaganza isRMB 328+ for adults and RMB 164+ for children (6 to 12 years). It includesfree-flowing soft drinks, fresh juices, house red and white wine, vodka fromthe caviar station as well as coffee or tea, and a choice of individualservings of either a Bostonlobster or a King Sea Crab。

The Ritz-Carlton Financial Street"s Greenfish Seafood Dinner Buffet is an accomplishmentof sheer beauty. The raw seafood masks the world and allows you to live brieflyin the here and now。

by Larissa Paschyn

Service quality: excellent

Food quality: excellent

Price per head (RMB): 300-400

Environment: excellent







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