2013-11-28 admin
上海体育休闲广场展览中心 一、 Product Lines Review & Sourcing Meeting 大型产品采购定货会 Sinew Expo is able to provide all kinds of exhibition venues (ranging from 600 m2 to 6000 m2) for big buyers to host products sourcing meetings with each venue well-equipped with logistics, electrical, telecom, lighting and air-con services and support. You will only need to confirm your meeting time and arrange merchandisers participation, then leave the others coordination and arrangement work to our experienced service team. Your sourcing meeting can commence immediately once the suppliers arrive with their products. Our security will strictly guard your spaces and our execution and engineering team will be on standby during your event to make sure the event runs smoothly uninterrupted. 我们为大型采购商提供600至6000平米的展示场地来举办其大型采购定货会,每个场地中都配备有齐全的运输、电力、通讯、照明、空调设备。您只需选择好档期,然后安排采购人员进驻,待供应商将产品送达后即可展开整个产品采购定货会。会议期间我们配有训练有素的安保人员严格控制人员出入,保证您会议的私密性不受打扰,同时也会有现场执行及工程人员随时待命,按您的要求提供各类服务。 二、 Business Meetings & Activities 各类商务会议、展览、活动、特卖会 Sinew Expo business meetings facilities includes 7 premium quality meeting rooms come in different sizes and complete with all kinds of supporting facilities like amplifier system, projector & projection screen, meeting tables & chairs and etc. 我们拥有7间类型不同、大小不同的高档会议室,配备有音响、桌椅、投影仪等各类会展设备来为您的重要商务活动提供周到满意的服务。 Besides common business meeting events, the meeting rooms are also utilized by many buyers for activities like New Resource Review, Suppliers Training, Brand Releases and etc. 除普通会议外,众多优秀企业还利用这些会议设施举办各类商务会晤活动,如新供应商见面会,供应商培训会,品牌发布会等。 三、 Private Buy Meeting 供应商见面会 Sourcing work can be very complicated and tiring especially when the volume is big, product categories are wide and especially when the vendors are in different location. In order to make your merchandisers sourcing activities more effective and efficient, Sinew expo has allocated some temporary showrooms for buyers to utilize in a buying event. These showrooms are made available with exhibition equipments like racks for product display and the rooms are lockable for security and safety. Buyers who organize this event will only need to confirm the meeting time and let the suppliers to approach our professional buyer service team to arrange their display room in accordance to their requirements. With the gathering of all suppliers in one location, your merchandisers will be able to organize and plan the meetings in a more efficient and timely manner. 您的采购需求如此之大,采购产品种类如此之多,是否让您的采购人员终日奔波于公司工厂之间,耗费了大量的时间、财力、人力?展览中心为方便采购商的这一需求,在2000间常年展示间中特辟一部分展示间作为买家服务区,专门为您的供应商提供与您集中会面的场所。在这些展示间内,私密性得到了很好的保证,并且配备有各类展架以便供应商乘列他们的产品。您只需在确定档期后,供应商直接联系我们,我们将根据他们的需求安排好房间后再通知您,让您的采购人员在很短的时间内一次性同所有的供应商完成会面。 地址:上海市闵行区新镇路288号闵行体育馆一层近顾戴路 邮编:201100 电话:86-21-51078072 传真:86-21-60853253 联系人:付先生 13585867372 邮箱:centre@shexpocentre.com
2018-11-05 jinyi
万果争鲜,风云际会,备受瞩目的万果风云会来了!2018亚洲果蔬博览会,中国大陆遥遥领先的专业旗舰展、全球果蔬产业链展览展示国际盛会,将于11月21-23日上海国家会展中心盛大开幕。亚洲果蔬博览会是专注于产业产销对接、品牌营销及技术推广的最佳平台,每年11月在上海举办大型博览会迄今已历十届盛况,并在北京、上海、西安、广州、重庆、成都、湘潭、南宁、临沂、三亚等地均有项目成功举办经验。 ...
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