2015-11-12 admin
2016 China ( International ) Agriculture Controlled Environment Summit (CEAS 2016) , which is supported by a number of famous agricultural associations, agricultural machinery institutes and enterprises, will be held in Shanghai on April 20 and 21, 2016. As an important exchange platform in the field of agriculture with controlled environment, this Forum will be themed by low energy consumption, high efficiency, and ecoenvironment protection, adopt the ways of main forum report, session report, and product display to promote the industrial application of relevant technology of agriculture with controlled environment, to strengthen domestic and overseas communication and cooperation, and further promote agricultural modernization development. The conference gathers more than 300 most representative experts in agriculture with controlled environment and agricultural technology experts, deeply analyzes industry planning policy environment, and technology development application situation of agriculture with controlled environment, and accelerates the development of the new agriculture. Moreover, in the conference, you will have a deep discussion with experts, scholars, and enterprise elites in the industry about future market trends and cooperative development strategy of the agriculture with controlled environment, and keep more contacts with the persons of the same trade.
1. 主论坛: 设施农业:机遇与挑战
Main forum: facility agriculture: opportunities and challenges
Symposium I: greenhouse facilities and agricultural film technology
3. 专场二:日“光”温室与生态农业
Symposium II: solar greenhouse and ecological agriculture
4. 专场三:设施栽培技术
Symposium III: Facility planting technique
5. 专场四:物联网与智慧农业
Symposium IV: Internet of Things and wisdom agriculture
6. 垂直农业与植物工厂
Symposium V : vertical agriculture and plant factory
会议时间: 2016年4月20-21日
会议地点 :上海粤海酒店
论文征稿:ivy.rong@ceas2016.com (投稿请注明:投稿专题,谢谢)
电话:021-6226 1601
传真:021-6226 1227
2018-11-05 jinyi
万果争鲜,风云际会,备受瞩目的万果风云会来了!2018亚洲果蔬博览会,中国大陆遥遥领先的专业旗舰展、全球果蔬产业链展览展示国际盛会,将于11月21-23日上海国家会展中心盛大开幕。亚洲果蔬博览会是专注于产业产销对接、品牌营销及技术推广的最佳平台,每年11月在上海举办大型博览会迄今已历十届盛况,并在北京、上海、西安、广州、重庆、成都、湘潭、南宁、临沂、三亚等地均有项目成功举办经验。 ...
2018-10-10 kangquan
2018-01-10 中国品牌网
2018-01-10 中国品牌网
2018-01-10 中国品牌网